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Who We Are

The Public Service Niucare Association Inc (PSNA) is an initiative by the Government of PNG through the Department of Personnel Management to focus on the National Social Insurance for the Public Service Development.

The Public Service Niucare Association Inc, or NIUCARE, represents a significant step by the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) towards ensuring the well-being of our public servants. This initiative, embraced with enthusiasm by the National Executive Council (NEC) following collaborative efforts led by the Minister for Public Service, aims to establish a robust social welfare system for our dedicated workforce.

The development of the Public Servants National Health & Insurance Policy, refined through consultations with stakeholders, culminated in the creation of NIUCARE. This policy aims to provide social and economic security for public servants.

NIUCARE operates with funds contributed by its members, managed by the Board elected through the Association's Constitution. These board members, are non-political appointees elected by the membership, oversee the management and consolidation of funds for the perpetual benefit of the members.

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Our Purpose

Provide & build a sustainable Financial Capacity for the Public Service Investment both Long & Short term.

Our Members

All active employees of the Public Service Workforce are entitled to automatic membership under The Niucare Plan which is a product of PSNA that offers Funeral, Medical, Disability and Welfare benefits to ensure its members are financially secured in the event of tragedy.


Membership is extended to Government statutory bodies and agencies and soon-to-be extended to private companies & organizations who may want to benefit from this prestigious Niucare Plan.​


Member Enrolment

Although membership is compulsory, all HR departments of each respective departments

and agencies will send their employees membership forms, which includes beneficiary

information and the member's final Will.

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